Glorpdown :)
# Test Some text. More text after a linebreak. New paragraph. <= img A kitten. => url A link to the kitten place. ## Stuff A list of some upcoming stuff: * Racket stuff * Something else ### Racket stuff Bla bla you know in _Racket_, with the \`a\`s and the \`b\`s and that: ``` #lang racket (define b 4) (for ([a (range 10)]) (printf "~a is ~amore than ~a~n" a (if (> a b) "" "not ") b)) ``` ### Something else ``` lines 40 36 t 33 5 oh no l 20 14 19 8 11 8 10 14 3 18 4 21 10 20 9 31 12 31 15 24 17 30 21 31 19 20 25 21 25 17 20 14 l 13 10 13 11 l 17 10 17 11 l 14 14 16 14 l 23 11 29 8 ``` A quote: > oh no